Kenjiroh Tukiyama's TagsI attached as a "tag" keywords related to the photo.You can see together a picture of the same tag. Tag 「夕焼け雲」 夕焼け雲と遊ぶ 4 4 5 34 夕焼け雲と遊ぶ 3 3 6 30 夕焼け雲と遊ぶ 2 3 4 22 夕焼け雲と遊ぶ 1 2 3 23 黄色みを帯びた夕焼け雲 60 洛陽 2008-12-14-2 4 11 85 洛陽 2008-12-14-1 4 5 71 Showing all 7